Container for Change Award

We were so proud to receive Business of the Year at the Containers for Change WA‘s Change Maker Awards 2022 in November.
Prior to the introduction of the Containers for Change program in 2020, recycling facilities were not generally available in the East Kimberley. The Containers for Change initiative has set a bold target to redirect 85% of eligible plastic, glass and aluminium containers from landfill, into recycling by the 2024 financial year, through their 10c rebate program.
Over the past year, the Freshwater East Kimberley Apartments team have been committed to this program, recycling over 35,000 containers, with funds generated going back to support team members through funding of social activities, nature based excursions, and providing support when needed, as well as the development of a team led charity initiative to support our community.
With many of our team making significant sacrifices working extended periods away from their families to work in Australia, this has been a meaningful and environmentally responsible way to provide support.